Thu 02 Jan
{ULTiMaTE} •—————• {ERoTiC} •—————• {EXPeRiEnCE} •—————• {BiG BOOtY} - ( 60 Specials ) - 26
(Northern Virginia, Sterling Incall)
( ➜THR33 WaYsTo HEAVEN ➜ ) THiCk N jUiCY* ReDhEaD BBW BeAuTy * 60 Specials$ - 23
(Om in Maa assas off 234 & 66)
:.♥: MORE THAN ENOUGH 4 YOU :.ϖl9;: cOmE aNd GeT sOmE bOySsssssssssss - 20
(North Jersey, clifton)
My Last Night Here (4/7) til 6a.m. Thai Bombshell! (Incall Only) - 22
(North Jersey, Wayne, NJ 46East)
Mia Bambi n Sweetz are back 80 specials all night - 19
(North Jersey, Orange Newark Irvington hillside incalls)
Morning Specials *★AMaZInG sKiLLsSo SExY HaWaiiAn&Puerto; RicAn HoTTiE*★* - 21
(North Jersey, CLIFTON)
The Power Of Touch (( Tantric ~ Wellness & Body Play ) ) 28 North/South - 27
Sweeet 👑 Specials 65QK SPCLS ✈️ Hott 💨💨 Mixed 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Doll .. Petite Freak 😍 - 20
(Northern Virginia, Springfield near Mall 🚘 65QK)
▬▬▬ Sweet YOUNG 🌟HOT NIKKI ▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬ INCALLS ONLY ! ▬▬ - - 23
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge ✅ Potomac mill ✅)
**Mia/Gyanese beauty/80/150/ black&spanish; men/only - 21
(North Jersey, Elizabeth nj 1&9/ Incalls only)
—————————————— █ ♥MATURE WOMAN ♥ █ ——————————————— - - - - 41
(North Jersey, WHIPPANY / INCALL RT 10 EAST)
💎💎💎💎 Take°This•°•*• »-(¯`v´¯)-» 1ST ✈ CLASS ✈ ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» ready now military spec - 26
(herndon, Northern Virginia)
Mira 💋 Papi ♚♡♚♡ WHY GAMBLE ♚♡♚♡ WHEN I'M ♚♡♚♡ A SURE ♚♡♚♡ WIN ♚♡♚♡ - -♥-» DoMiniCaN LOVER! DiMelO - 21
(North Jersey, OutCalls ONLY 24/7 to ALL JERSEY)
Mmmmm TASTY Busty Ebony_GooD GirL GoNe BaDD ..COme GeT IT BOYS! Call Now - 21
******MiXeD PaRtY GiRl JuSt ViSiTiNg ******PARTY PARTY PARTY******pics are real ****** - 18
♥ T°° o°° P ♥ N°° o°° T°° c°° H ♥ C°° u°° T°° i°° E ♥ - 24
(alexandria/ off of duke)
***** Mesmerizing Beauty Lebanese / Moroccan Mixed Model Visiting for a Short Time Only!**** - 23
(North Jersey, Northern NJ Incalls/Outcalls)
Sweet Like 💋"Pink"Lemonade CoMe get a sip?💋 Excite Me! $80 special - 23
(Northern Virginia, Herndon, Chantilly , Sterling)
*_*_* T H E »- -» T O T A L »-» P A C K A G E*_*_* - 28
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge /Potomac mill)
✨💥✨Maya✨💥✨ Highly Reviewed!!! MiddleEaster & Italian🎀G*F*E🎀 eXotic&seXy; -Wayne/Parsippany - 38
(201-466-2795 In/Out Wayne/Parsippany, Bridgewater, Central Jersey, North Jersey, Paterson)
✿▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿◆◆❥ SUPER *Sexy Asian new in towen ❥❥◆◆✿▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿ - 23
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Viena Mclean)
super sexxie AMBER waiting for UR call! *~* SPECIALS *~* CALL ME! - 25
(Northern Virginia, manassas on 28)
~*~ StUnNiNg* MiXeD* ChInA* DoLL*=*So * TeMpTiNg ~*~ WHY WAIT!!! 70SPECIALS - 20
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria* LANDMARK*395 INCALLS)
💋💋lncall 👄👄 lncall 💋💋 - - 22
(Bloomfield Passaic clifton wayne Paterso, Jersey City, Newark, North Jersey, Paterson)
Sweeet 👑 Specials 70QK SPCLS ✈️ Hott 💨💨 Mixed 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Doll .. Petite Freak 😍 - 21
(Alexandria - Eisenhower Ave 💋 Now, Northern Virginia)
( *SuPeR hOt!*) (BRAZILIAN) SuPeR ===> HOTT! *NEW *!! - 25
{{LeAvInG SooN $100$ SpECiaLs}} *G*F*E* ExXxOTIC NaUghTY LIL NyMpho {{Up 24HRS}} - 22
•:*:• *StUnNiNg •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *sO SExY •:*:• ChEcK mE OuT •:*:• *No DiSaPPOinTmENt - 22
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria Va ins/outs ; ))
❤❤❤ LUXURY ESCORTS ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ BUSTY ASIan& NEWJAPanese▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ ☎ 917-963-6594 ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ - 22 - 22
(North Jersey, Paterson, your place)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, city)
SPECIALS ★❤★ ♡Sexy BBW Ebony Goddess♡♥ Big Breasts ♡♥ Big Butt♡ ★❤★ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria VA Incall / outcalls)
LISA NEW JAPANESE ARRIVED__NURU LOVE —— ★ █ BODY TO BODY █ ★ ——347-251-0226 - 20
█▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿⎛ SEXY ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎛SEXY ⎛✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY✿⎛▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ASIAN MODELS✿OUTCALL - 22
(Northern Virginia, OUTCALLS VA/MD/DC █▇ ▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇)
🍭💋 Loll!pop $pe€ialist🍭$w££t $low L!©k$👅🍭4 Th@t €re@m¥💦Wh!t£ $tuff💦ss70 💎hh100👑929-600-1661 - 25
(Elizabeth, North Jersey, 🔑🚪🔑🚪Elizabeth Nj hotel 1&9🔑🚪🔑🚪)
🔥🔥Smoking 🔥🔥Hot Latina New In Town🏩 Looking For Gentlemans💋Today Special 100&30 mints - 27
(Northern Virginia, fairfax.VA)
❤SpECiALS★ ebony highly reviewed*♚* *♚ speciaLs❤*♚* ❤*♚* -100% top PiCk hErndon - 21
SPECIALS 60Q 80HH 160H ⭐️⭐️ CoMe PlAy WiTh ME ⭐️ ThIck BuSty ExOtic BBW BaBe ⭐️⭐️ - 25
(Northern Virginia, Chantilly - Herndon Incall)
((LOOK THE BEST IS HERE)) ( ( PETITE ) ) &( ( SEXY ) ) **
(North Jersey, Secacus | rt 3 | meadowlands)
"Little Ferry" P € R F € C T NURU LOVE Japan Lov€ly Cuti€ 347-251-0226 - 20
(North Jersey, Little Ferry // Valley Road (incall))
❤Let's Have Some Fun Baby ❤SmOkEiN HOT ❤BeAuTy [UpScale] ❤BoMbShell Vixxen. «[STuNniNG]» TopNotch ❤ - 21
(North Jersey, Wayne NEW JERSEY INCALLS only)
***Slim phat azzz Goddess Ready For Some New Fun visiting 60$pl** - 21
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria/landmark)
Sexy Petite Blonde ! (Private & Discreet) Little White Chick ! Upscale Only ! - 23
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax W)
((LiMiTeD)) ♥ ==E X O T I C==A S I A N==P L A Y M A T E== ♥ ((LiMiTeD)) - 22
♥ ★ Lets Try something EXCITING together... NEW BUSTY PLAYMATE ★ ♥ - 22
(North Jersey, Secacus-Meadowlands-INCALL)
-:¦:- So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 19
(Fairfax & Surr. Incalls + Outcalls)
LATINA ▓ ▆ █ CLAIM YOUR PRIZE ▆ █ ▓ *¡¡·™~MISS BaNGiNG BODY~°·¡¡ YUMMY....¦ new in town 100% - 26
(North Jersey, CLIFTON RT 3 Rutherford meadowlands)
*SEXY Puerto Rican Girl of Your Dreams,Check out my review ID #185651 (787 - 208 7310)* - 27
(Northern Virginia, Northern Virginia, Springfield)
█▒🚨 SEXy K i N K Y FREAk🚨 ▒█👀 BOOTY & BrA!Nz 👀▒ BoDy InSaNe👙 ▒ (💰 L0@D-BU$T€R 💰) - 22
(Northern Virginia, Manassas (sudley rd.))
(¯`☆`¯) LET ME-:¦:- BE YOUR -:¦:- FANTASY -:¦:- 140 SPECIAL -:¦:- call NOW! (¯`☆`¯) - 22
LAST NiTE 8o/1oO ★ {{CuRvY & BiG BOOTy }} HoTT•★• —— • ★ ExCLuSiVe •★• — — •★ BLoNDe BuNNy•★• — — •★ - 24
(North Jersey, *♥*♥* ::NEWARK AiRPORT:: *♥*♥*)
:*¨¨*:: Let Me Full Fill Your Lunch Time Appetite... College Girl Gone wild:*¨¨*: New Arrival - 21
(Rutherford..Route 3.. INCALLS!)
LAST DAY in Town ~ > Specials ! °* _ Y O U R _ #1 _ C H O i C E _ 4 _ T O N i G H T °* cOmE pLaY - 24
(North Jersey, Secaucus - Meadowlands // RT3)
- *_+_* LET *_+_* ME*_+_* CATER *_+_* TO *_+_* YOUR *_+_* EVERY *_+_* NEED *_+_* - 23
(North Jersey)
Lass Day here!!... Why wait Call Now..Ms.Mya wants To Play!!!!!! 80hh - 22
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill//rt.70//Mt.Laurol)
LAST DAY!!!💦Ki₦KY PŁλ¥MλŦE️👙👠💯% ŘËÂŁ& ŘəVīə₩£Đ 💋 come PŁΛ¥ ₩ĪŤH Ä ÑÂűGhT¥ Iłalian😍 [📞] 7145844248 - 19
(North Jersey, Secaucus off RT 3 & Sourronding Areas)
🆕🆕🆕🆕 Latina .... 💃💃💃___ Dirty ___Girl ___Ready ____To ____Play ___💃💃💃...... Latina 🆕🆕🆕🆕 - 19
(North Jersey, Incalls)
" LATINA LUST " The Perfect Choice For Pleasure /// Nawty Columbian,P.R. Brazilian Ladies - 24
(North Jersey, bloomfield nj (gsp)exit 148)
Last Day SP3@L ;-} 551-580-1354 , , ) Don't Miss oOoOout .. . Sweet & Tasty - 22
(Newark Airport, Eliz, Jeresy City in&out;)
Las chicas bring a sweet and hot today, just $50for20min,tel 646 775 0905 - 23
(Jersey City, Little ferry and south hackensack, North Jersey)
la sexy latina jackie 24/7 im open working incall price 150/80/60 201 780 8264 - 28
(North Jersey, newark nj incall and outcall)