Mon 27 Jan
PERFECT ➓ - AnD _ ALWaYS *♛ The_ BeST _ CHoiCE *♛ - 22
(Bronx, Whitestone-incalls-Manhattan outcalls)
***Mature SexySeductress Up ALLNiTe, Full FunN, Pleasure&&WOW; - 24
(Bronx, INcallsONLY: Broadway Junction50;))
$PE©!@l O£ TH€ N!hg C@LL OR T€×t☎☎ $£ Habla €$pañol.267 536 8341 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx / Manhattan / Yonkers)
*Lets HaVe Some FuN...... Thick and Busty Vixxen ... 24/7 all night Long - 21
(Bronx, **All Boros Outcalls**)
outcall blankita dominicana papi llegue new new new in town just pick up 📲☎ and call 347 294 6951 - 23
Light skin BBW 917 528 06 34 H0STING available right now - 24
(Allerton whiteplains incalls NO TExt, Bronx)
***NICE F@T & JUICY*** C0Me 0VEr & pL@y wITh ME N0W IM W@ITING 4 U B@BY!!! - 21
☆★☆ Let me take you to Paradise..★☆★ ◇◆◇ SWEET (&) SATISFYING $$ Specials $$ ◇◆◇ CALL ME NOW!! - 21
(Bronx, manhattan/bx)
¡'M §Ø GØØD ¡'LL HÂV U }} * [[ §PÂK¡NG ¡N ØNGU§! (NØ Ru§H ) NØ FU§§ BAUiFuL LaTiN FRAK - 22
FLIRTY FRIDAY FUN-Don't Miss This-Unlimited Pleasure @ Affordable Rate-Call/Text Now - 30
(Columbus, Reynoldsburg)
One Dose & Your Hooked ..~Mixed Dominican Bubble Butt - 21
(Bronx, Bronx New York/ Outcalls All over)
FLIRTY FRIDAY FUN WITH ME- You Don't Want To Miss This-Avail. All Nite-Call/Text Now - 30
(Columbus, North New Upscale Residence)
♥★♥★♥ LeT's JuSt Keep IT ReaL... & GeT STRAIGHT to the POINT! ♥★♥★♥ - 27
(Bronx, eastchester/gunhill rd)
EXOTIC 💖💞💞🍇 CARRIBEAN 🍇💓💘💕💞💞 DOLL! Available for a limited time!! 💖💖💓💞💘 - 28
(Columbus, Dublin 5-7 Party girl! Dayton 8-11)
!! EXCITEMENT & PLEASURE !! Come for the goodies, Join MICHELLE now (SPECIAL RATE $100.00) - 25
(Columbus, south/ residential)
One ~ In ~ A ~ Million ~ Exotic Beauty (347)364-5940 - 21
(Bronx, 238th ( Neried Ave ) Whiteplains Road)
⚠⚠OMG LOOK AT HER BUTT👙👙Dangerously FREAKY 💦💦💦 New Pics!🍫🍬🍭 Video Verification 💋 - 22
(Bronx, Kingsbridge & Grand Concourse 💕)
LateeNitees specials Henny && Nicki ;-* lets get freaky and have naughty fun 2for1 80$ - 21
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway)
#❶ •*¨¨*• *•°o☆Fire's N Gucci Here!! You Ready? Flame On!!!!*¨¨*•★• ◕❥•◕❥ - 23
💕💕Lizzy available for outcalls💕💕 call me 917 631 7883 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx / manhattan outcalls only 💕)
latina ® sexy girls /100/150 100%me * ©©©© 36 d d wow apple bottom ****sej - 19
(Bronx, e 187 St Arthur av little Italy safe)
➡➡L👀K DONT MiSS!!! uℓtiℳαtε GORGEOUS 💏 DirtY💦ITALIAN 🇮TIGHT❌BUSTY👅⌚αvαiℓabℓε NOW 420 Party Girl - 28
(Elmsford whiteplains Tarrytown bx Yonker, New Jersey, Other, Westchester)
ExOtic NeW🍏🍎🍏Bottom Beauty 🎂 Very RaRe💎VeRy REAL & READY 24Hrs💯 FULL Proof Is in THE PUDDiNg! - 19
NEW TO THE BRONX . Sexy Dominican/Ebony barbie doll available for incall play dates. - 18 - 18
*NEW* LIMITED TIME ONLY Petite Mixed WHITE / LATINA Visiting The Bronx this week *NEW* - 19
(Bronx, Allerton - The Bronx)
💋🌹 ((KAMIS BACK))🌹💋👑 ((JUiiCY)) 💞 ((FlAWLESS))👍 ((5🌟s )) ✌ ((Exotic)) 😍💎 ((Discreet)👍💌 - 20
(Bronx, soundview ((INCALLS ONLY)))
*^*^*^*^*^*^ Double Fun {{{ Light & DArk ChocolAte Candy Peices }}} 120Hourly Specials - 21
(Columbus North 161)
😘Early Bird gets the Worm°•. Get Nutty.•°100% Real Blonde Haired 👀Blue Eyed Playmate.•°•.💋 - 27
(East Memphis,Tn, Memphis)
Dont You Want------> {{THE PERFECT GIRL}} DONT MISS OUT!!! - 22
(Columbus, Columbus (Incall preffered))
New To AREA🔶🔥💛everyone's main attraction🔶💛🔥 fun sized italian🔶🔥💛let me do you🔶🔥💛 better than them 🔥🔶💛 - 22
(Staten Island, Incalls)
💋💋 NeW PicS 👸👸 I'm fresh and I'm sweet itialian and Cuban goddess you wanna meet Specials 💋💋 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx outcalls now)
💋 NeW!!! 👙 BlOnDe BoMbSheLL💋 YES im AvAiLaBLE‼️♥ ØN€ Dا€ & YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D ♥ ♥ ☞SuPeR Hott ツ UnRuShEd SeRViCe 😉 - 23
(Long Island, farmingdale melville 11O upscale in/out)
██████ JUiCY CaRaMeL ▄▀▄▀▄THICK REDBONE▄▀▄▀▄ Mixed black&Domi; 100 SpEciAl ▄▀▄▀▄ CURVY♥ iTS RiRi█████ - 22
(Bronx, Westchester ave S, Bronx)
(especiales de outcall) Outcall Specials ❗️Beautiful Blue Eyed Blonde❤️ - 21
((outcalls) North,East,South,West, Columbus)
🌹 Come Play With Me On This☔️ Day, I'm here waiting.... (901) 504-1550 🎀🌷🎀 - 33
(Germantown, Memphis)